
The Student Association of Energy was proud to present the establishment of the IEEE Budapest University of Technology & Economics Joint Student Branch Chapter of the Industry Applications and the Power & Energy Societies” in 2009, that has been awarded several times. The first success of the Student Association of Energy is that in honor of the work carried out in 2009, the Chapter has received the IAS Outstanding Student Association of Energy 2010” award. The award was presented to our representatives at the IAS Annual Meeting in Houston. In 2011, the Chapter has been awarded again, this time recognizing our activity with the IAS Continued Outstanding Performance Student Branch Chapter 2011” prize, while our website was awarded 1st prize at the IAS CMD Chapter Web Contest”. Our representatives received the certificates at the 2011 IAS Annual Meeting, held in Orlando (FL, USA). It makes us proud that the Association has received the above mentioned prizes in 2012 as well: our 2011 activities have been rewarded by “IAS Continued Outstanding Performance Student Branch Chapter”, and our website has received the first prize at the “2012 IAS Chapter Web Contest”.

IEEE Photo Contest 2015 - Winner

In 2014 and 2015 the Chapter won the “Continuously Outstanding Student Branch Chapter” award again. The breakthrough in the Power and Energy Society came in 2014: the “High Performing Student Branch Chapter” award is respectful, and in 2015 the SAE won the award again convincingly. In the PES Distinguished Lecturer Program the Chapter organized an interesting lecture with professor Costas Vournas about the Global control of sustainable power systems. The members participated in the IEEE Photo Contest 2015, and the success came again: the best technical photo was made in the university’s High Voltage Laboratory.  Valuable technical awards in the Student Paper Contest of Region 8 and the Industry Applications Society’s Graduate Thesis Contest were also won by SAE members. In 2016, our members had the opportunity to participate on the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting in Portland, where in addition to the Outstanding Small Joint Chapter Award” price, one of our members was granted with the Industry Applications Society Outstanding Project Organizer Award” as well. For organizing the conference we won the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award”, and for the Secondary School Contest on Energy we gained the Maker Event Winner” price.

Our Association took first place on the IAS Most Happening Chapter Contest Award” for organising the IYCE’17 conference, and also one of our members won the Industry Applications Society Outstanding Project Organizer Award”. In 2019, two members were finalists in the Region 8 Student Paper Contest”. In the IEEE Power and Energy Society’s 2016 High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program” section, we finished 13th in the international category and 2nd in Region 8 category. The organisers of the IYCE received a diploma of appreciation of Industrial Application Society for organising the 7th International Youth Conference on Energy 2019, which they got from the current and former president of IEEE IAS CMD during the gala evening of IYCE’19. At the 2019 IAS Annual Meeting, our website won 3rd place in the IAS Chapter Web Contest”. The event took place in Baltimore, MD, USA.

In 2020 our Organization took second place in the “IAS Most Happening Chapter Contest”.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting was held online, however one of our member was able to represent the Association.

For the organization of the 2020/21 Secondary School Contest on Energy our Association won the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award”. We received a bronze award in the IEEE Power and Energy Society High Performance Student Branch Chapter Program. In addition, three of our members were able to attend the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, which was held online, thanks to winning the Student Registration Grant Award.

In 2022, four of our members had the opportunity to attend the IAS Annual Meeting in Detroit, under the AMTGP 2022. Two of them also presented their latest research results at the conference.

In 2023, the Chapter received the IAS CMD Outstanding Chapter Award” and the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award” for the second time. One of our members won the IAS CMD Outstanding Chapter Award”. We also had the opportunity to participate in PES High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program”.